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  1. 2 February 2017

    Submissions Report Conduct Guide consultation

    This is a summary of the submissions received by the FMA in response to the consultation of draft guide to the FMA's view of conduct, 2017.
    Conduct, Consultations, Business
    PDF, Submission form
  2. 9 July 2018

    Consultation paper on legislative notices and unnecessary compliance cost

    This consultation paper is for participants who rely on our legislative notices; legal advisers; and other interested parties. It seeks feedback on whether any notice granted by us insufficiently addresses, or inadvertently creates, unnecessary compliance costs.
    Consultations, Business
  3. 27 February 2018

    Corporate governance handbook consultation submissions report

    This document summarises the key themes from the submissions to our consultation for the updated Corporate Governance Handbook, and our response to them. It also includes the individual submissions.
    Directors, Governance, Consultations, Roles, Business, FMA
    PDF, Information Sheet
  4. 1 December 2014

    Transition to fmc act other types mis information sheet

    Timeline for other types of MIS to transition to the FMC Act. Other types of MIS includes a range of schemes, often tightly focused – eg property and forestry schemes. Note, excludes property and forestry schemes structured as companies (who generallyare classed as equity issuers).
    FMC Act, Roles, Legislation, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor