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  1. 1 December 2012

    AML/CFT: Issuers of securities and participants in issues

    The AML/CFT: issuers of securities and participants in issues guide will help issuers of securities and participants in securities issues to determine if they have compliance obligations under the AML/CFT Act and if the FMA is their supervisor.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  2. 30 June 2021

    Annual AML/CFT report user guide

    The Annual AML/CFT report user guide is designed to help reporting entities complete their annual AML/CFT report.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  3. 30 May 2018

    Compliance Assurance Programmes

    The Compliance Assurance Programmes information sheet is for entities holding or applying for a licence under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, and anyone involved in the creation, implementation and ongoing operation of a compliance assurance programme.
    Crowdfunding providers, Directors, Cryptocurrencies, Roles, Legislation, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Business, Peer-to-peer lending service providers
    Page, Guidance
  4. 1 February 2014

    Broker obligations

    Broker obligations guidance note is based on the law as at January 2014, and is for brokers (as defined in the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (Act)). The focus of this guidance is on custody of client money and client property, and the key obligation of brokers to hold client money and client property on trust.
    Page, Guidance
  5. 26 June 2015

    Calculation of returns for DIMS providers

    The Calculation of returns for DIMS providers information sheet outlines what methodology we expect providers of Discretionary Investment Management Services (DIMS) licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act) (DIMS licensees) to use when calculating returns required by the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014 (Regulations).
    Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance, Information Sheet
  6. 14 September 2023

    Pallas Group DBG

    Pallas Group includes Pallas Capital Limited FSP1004241, Pallas Trustees Limited FSP1004322, and Pallas Commercial Lending Limited FSP1004240.
    Reporting entities, Roles, Business, Designated Business Group (DBG)
  7. 23 June 2023

    Climate-related disclosures regime and the use of third-party providers

    Guidance to assist climate reporting entities in understanding what they should consider before engaging a third-party provider to deliver services for the climate-related disclosures.
    Authorised body under a FAP, Banking, Insurance Providers, Climate related disclosure, Financial Institutions, Roles, Climate Reporting Entities, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
    Page, Guidance
  8. 23 June 2022

    Cyber security and operational systems resilience

    This information sheet assists market services licensees (excluding benchmark administrators) licensed under Part 6 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act) to enhance the resilience of their cyber and operational systems. While this information sheet is designed to apply to a broad range of sectors, entities with complex cyber security and operational systems should consider the specific technology requirements and obligations that apply to their sector.
    Financial Advice Provider, Roles, Business
    Page, Guidance
  9. 28 January 2021

    Market Operator Obligations Targeted Review – NZX

    Findings from the FMA’s targeted review of whether NZX is meeting its licensed market operator obligations
    Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, Market operator, News & Insights
  10. 9 July 2021

    AML/CFT regulations update 2021

    New Zealand’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) system is intended to adapt as money laundering and terrorism financing risks evolve. Two regulations, that are a key part of the AML/CFT system, were due to expire. These are the AML/CFT (Exemptions) Regulations 2011 which were scheduled to expire on 30 June 2020, and the AML/CFT (Definitions) Regulations 2011 which partially expire on 27 July 2021. This document sets out the changes and updates made for these regulations. These changes come into force 9 July 2021.
    AML/CFT, Regulation updates, Roles, Business, Nominated representatives
    Page, Guidance
  11. 23 June 2021

    MIS liquidity risk management review

    Recommendations on liquidity stress testing frameworks, processes and procedures for managed investment schemes (MIS).
    Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    Page, Guidance
  12. 14 April 2021

    Managed fund fees and value for money

    Guidance and principles to help managers and supervisors of KiwiSaver schemes and other managed investment schemes to demonstrate how they are meeting their existing obligations, statutory duties, and conduct expectations in respect of fees and value for money.
    Roles, Supervisors, Business, Managed investment schemes
    Page, Guidance
  13. 17 November 2021

    Climate-related disclosures regime implementation approach

    This document explains the Climate-related Disclosures (CRD) legislation and outlines the Financial Markets Authority’s implementation approach for the CRD regime.
    Directors, Roles, Ethical finance, Climate related disclosure, Authorised body under a FAP, Financial Institutions, Climate Reporting Entities, Business, FMA, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    Page, Guidance