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Found 3786 results. Displaying page 253 of 253

  1. 8 November 2022

    Mortgage advice

    A mortgage adviser works with you to: Understand your needs and goals, work out what you can afford to borrow, find options to suit your situation and more. A mortgage adviser is a go-between who deals with banks or other lenders to arrange a home loan for you.
    Financial advice, Get advice, Mortgage advice, Investing, Consumer
  2. 15 March 2021

    Insurance advice

    An insurance adviser works with you to: Understand your needs and goals, work out what you can afford to pay in premiums, find options to suit your situation an more. An insurance adviser is a go-between who deals with insurers to arrange your insurance. They will also help if you need to claim on your insurance.
    Financial advice, Get advice, Insurance advice, Investing, Consumer
  3. 9 June 2023

    KiwiSaver & Superannuation

    This section of the FMA website talks about the New Zealand superannuation scheme, KiwiSaver and how to manage your KiwiSaver to achieve your retirement goals. We also provide you with information about other superannuation schemes, and how to transfer your overseas retirement fund to New Zealand. 
    KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer