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  1. 27 March 2024

    Financial Markets Conduct (Silverwood Land 2015 Limited Partnership) Exemption Notice 2024

    Silverwood Land 2015 Limited Partnership (scheme) is a forestry scheme that has been winding up for several years. The scheme has some remaining real estate assets that it seeks to sell. The scheme is the subject of the Financial Markets Conduct (Silverwood Land 2015 Limited Partnership) Exemption Notice 2021, which is revoked on the close of 31 March 2024.
    Exemptions, Business
  2. 21 December 2023

    Financial Markets Conduct (Climate Statements – Stride Property Group) Exemption Notice 2023

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Climate Statements – Stride Property Group) Exemption Notice 2023 (Notice) exempts Stride Investment Management Limited (SIML) and Stride Property Limited (SPL), which are part of the stapled group, comprising SIML, SPL and subsidiaries of SPL (Stride Property Group or SPG) from certain provisions of Part 7A of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act).
    Exemptions, Business
  3. 21 November 2023

    Financial Markets Conduct (Portfolio Superannuation Scheme) Exemption Notice 2023

    The Notice exempts Saturn Invest New Zealand (Saturn) as manager of the Portfolio Superannuation Scheme (the self-select scheme) from certain provisions of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the FMC Act), the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014 (the FMC Regulations), and the Financial Markets Conduct (Fees) Regulations 2014.
    Exemptions, Business
    Page, Current, Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions, Exemption notice
  4. 21 November 2023

    Financial Markets Conduct (i-Select Superannuation Scheme) Exemption Notice 2023

    The Notice exempts i-Select Limited (i-Select) as manager of the i-Select Superannuation Scheme (the self-select scheme) from certain provisions of the FMC Act, the FMC Regulations, and the Financial Markets Conduct (Fees) Regulations 2014.
    Exemptions, Business
    Page, Exemption notice, Current, Financial Markets Conduct Act exemptions
  5. 7 April 2008

    Foodstuffs (Wellington) Co-Operative Society Limited

    The Foodstuffs (Wellington) Co-operative Society Limited and its directors undertakes that they will not offer securities to the public for subscription, other than in an investment statement, registered prospectus, or authorised advertisement that complies with the Securities Act and the Regulations, or in accordance with any applicable exemption granted by the Commission. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  6. 22 June 2010

    ANZN and ING

    As part of this settlement ING and ANZN have accepted that some of the representations made in marketing material and by ANZ advisors may have breached the Fair Trading Act and they have agreed to make payments totalling $45 million to affected investors. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  7. 7 July 2005

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. Braemar and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  8. 7 July 2005

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited has offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 since December 2004. It has done so without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. No allotments of the securities have yet occurred. Alpine and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement