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Found 3727 results. Displaying page 38 of 249

  1. 5 May 2017

    FMC (NZX Main Board/Debt Market Listing Rules) Approval of Rule Change Notice 2017)

    The changes approved in this notice are: a new NZX Corporate Governance Code that will replace existing Appendix 16 to the Listing Rules, changes to the Listing Rule 10.4.5, changes to references to the title of Appendix 16, and correction of a typographical error.
    FMC Act, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Notice
  2. 25 March 2019

    190325 Share This investor guide

    Share This! is a guide produced by the FMA to help novice investors navigate investing investing in shares.
    Shares, Investing, Investor information, Ways to invest, Consumer
  3. 1 October 2014

    Declaration by executive director of related body

    Declaration form to be completed by executive director's of a related body.
    Directors, Authorised body under a FAP, Roles, Declaration, Licensing & registration, Business
    Word document, Application form
  4. 30 January 2015

    Expense disclosure CE Gifts 2014 Jul Dec

    CE gifts and hospitality disclosure for the period 1 July 2014 - 31 December 2014.
    Chief Executive Gifts and Benefits Disclosure, FMA
  5. 27 May 2022

    Financial Markets Conduct (Stride Property Group) Exemption Notice 2022

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Stride Property Group) Exemption Notice 2022 allows Stride Property Limited (SPL) and Stride Investment Management Limited Stride (SIML), as stapled entities (Stride Property Group), to prepare consolidated financial statements for the purposes of subpart 3 of Part 7 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the Act).
    Exemptions, Secondary legislation, Business
  6. 3 October 2022

    FMA recommends caution when dealing with Whitcoin

    WARNING: Whitcoin unreasonably withholding client funds and is not registered Financial Service Providers in New Zealand.
    Imposter website, Suspected scam, Scams
  7. 1 November 2021

    Financial Markets Conduct (Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund) Exemption Notice 2021

    The Financial Markets Conduct (Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund) Exemption Notice 2021 provides relief for certain offers made in relation to the Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund (the Fund) on similar terms to the Financial Markets Conduct (Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund) Exemption Notice 2016. The notice is revoked on the earlier of: (a) the close of 31 October 2026; or (b) the date that the units in the Fund (Units) cease to be quoted on the NZX Main Board and the ASX.
    Exemptions, Secondary legislation, Business
  8. 9 September 2015

    Consultation paper: Proposed FMC Act exemption for offers made through AFAs providing personalised DIMS

    Consultation paper: Proposed FMC Act exemption for offers made through AFAs providing personalised DIMS. The FMA is seeking comment on whether there is a need for exemption relief for offerors who sell financial products through AFAs providing personalised discretionary investment management services (DIMS) under the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (FA Act).
    Offer information, FMC Act, Legislation, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Consultations, Roles, Business
  9. 22 September 2020

    FMA prevents CLSA Premium NZ Limited (formerly KVB Kunlun) from offering derivatives to retail investors

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has imposed conditions on the derivatives issuer licence of CLSA Premium New Zealand Limited (CLSAP NZ, formerly KVB Kunlun) that prevent the firm from making an offer to or receiving further funds from, retail investors in relation to derivatives.
    Derivatives, Regulation, Ways to invest, Investing, Media release, Business, Consumer, News & Insights, Enforcement
    Page, Financial reporting