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  1. 12 July 2013

    consultation paper charitable and religious purposes exemption review

    In this paper we seek submissions on proposals relating to the review the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is undertaking on the Securities Act (Charitable and Religious Purposes) Exemption Notice 2003 (SR 2003/66) (the CRP Notice), which is due to expire on 30 November 2013.
    FMA is reviewing the CRP Notice simultaneously with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s review of the appropriate treatment of charitable and religious organisations under the Non-bank Deposit Takers regime.
    Consultations, Supervisor, Roles, Business
  2. 12 December 2017

    Class legislative notice summary 2017

    This is a summary of the Financial Markets Conduct Act and Financial Adviser Act class legislative notices we have granted in effect as at 1 December 2017.
    FMC Act, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Notice
  3. 19 February 2018

    Conduct Outcomes Report 2017

    The Conduct Outcomes Report outlines how we responded to the areas of misconduct we saw during 2017.
    It covers our enforcement action, monitoring and supervision work, and our activities to address risks and harms on our regulatory perimeter. It also includes good practice suggestions for licensed financial service providers, and sets out where we will focus our energies in 2018.
    Financial Advice Provider, Supervisor, Monitoring, Roles, Business, Enforcement
  4. 27 June 2019

    ICE Futures Europe Obligations Review 2019

    ICE Futures U.S., Inc. (IFUS) is licensed to operate the IFUS derivatives market (the derivatives market) in New Zealand.
    The FMA is required to report, at least once every two years on how well IFUS is meeting its obligations as a licensed market operator.
    Market operator, Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  5. 24 August 2016

    FMA Co-operation policy 2016

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) often receives the co-operation of entities or individuals when we investigate financial market misconduct.
    When deciding whether to pursue a regulatory response against an entity or individual, and if so, what sanction to use, one of the factors we may consider is the nature and extent of any co-operation they have provided.
    Regulation, Policy, Business, FMA, Enforcement
  6. 1 March 2016

    Consultation paper Exemptions impacting overseas businesses and restricted schemes 1

    This consultation is for: FMC reporting entities, licensed
    managers and scheme auditors, overseas banks, licensed independent trustees, restricted scheme managers, advisers and interested parties. It aims to seek feedback on the
    exemption proposals explained.
    Independent trustee, Managed investment schemes, Consultations, Roles, Business
  7. 3 July 2014

    Review of non-filing of financial statements

    The purpose of this report is to remind directors of their statutory financial reporting obligations under the Financial
    Reporting Act 1993 (FRA), remind brokers and directors of the statutory filing obligations under the Securities Act (Contributory Mortgage) Regulations 1988, inform market participants of the findings of our review and highlight areas of concern, and inform market participants of FMA’s future focus in this area.
    Client money or property services provider, Directors, Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  8. 16 February 2017

    2017 Letter of Expectations

    The letter of expectation 2017 is delivered by the Minister to the FMA to formalise expectation of the FMA as a Crown entity.
    Annual letter of expectations from the Minister, FMA
  9. 1 August 2015

    Investigations and Enforcement Report 2015

    This report highlights the key themes and issues in our investigation and enforcement activity in the year to 30 June
    2015. It is intended to provide insight into the work we do, and help businesses and professionals better understand the
    behaviour we expect.
    Monitoring, Reports and Papers, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  10. 30 April 2020

    Insurer COVID 19 Expectations

    Letter from the Director of Banking and Insurance, FMA to stakeholders detailing the FMA expectation during COVID-19
    Financial Advice Provider, Banking, Roles, Business
    PDF, Letter
  11. 25 September 2020

    Kiwisaver Annual Report 2020

    The report details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the year ended 30 June 2020, and contains the
    sixth annual summary of the statistical returns, required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act.
    Monitoring, Reports and Papers, KiwiSaver providers, Supervisor, Managed investment schemes, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  12. 30 April 2021

    CoFR Consumer Vulnerability Framework April 2021

    Members of the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR)1 have agreed on a common understanding of the characteristics of a vulnerable consumer. We are presenting this as a framework to help industry in developing their own approaches to assisting vulnerable consumers. This framework is non-binding and serves as a guideline only. We
    would anticipate firms to consult widely in developing their own terminology, procedures, and processes for assisting vulnerable consumers. These should focus on the evolving needs of the consumers they serve, should be appropriate for their business and in accordance with any specific
    legislative requirements.
    Financial Advice Provider, Banking, Regulation, Roles, Council of financial regulators (CoFR), Business, FMA
  13. 4 November 2021

    Record keeping self assessment tool

    Keeping accurate records of the financial advice you provide helps maintain a relationship of transparency and trust with your clients. It also ensures you can provide evidence of how you have complied with your licensee obligations as and when required.
    Use this self-assessment tool to see if you’re ready to complete the record keeping section of your Class 1 or Class 2 FAP full licence application. It should help you identify areas of strength or weakness in your full licence preparation so you can seek further help or advice and address any gaps before you apply.
    Financial Adviser, New Financial Advice regime, Roles, Business