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  1. 8 December 2023

    McEwen and Associates Permanent Stop Order

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has made a permanent stop order against David Elgar McEwen and entities associated with him (McEwen and Associates).
    Enforceable action, Enforcement
  2. 26 February 2024

    Declaration form - senior managers DIR11

    A statutory declaration is required by senior managers when applying for a licence to operate from the FMA. This form should be accompanied with your licence application.
    Directors, Roles, Business
    PDF, Declaration form
  3. 29 April 2024

    AML/CFT Customer Due Diligence – Sole traders and partnerships

    This guidance assists reporting entities to conduct customer due diligence (CDD) under the AML/CFT Act 2009 on their customers who are sole traders, partnerships, or limited partnerships. Published April 2024.
    AML/CFT, Compliance, Roles, Authorised body under a FAP, Client money or property services provider, Crowdfunding providers, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Business, Managed investment schemes, Peer-to-peer lending service providers, Supervisor
    PDF, Information Sheet
  4. 6 August 2020

    MetalsWise / MetalWise

    We are concerned that Metalwise (formerly MetalsWise) may be operating a scam.
    Imposter website, Suspected scam, Scams
  5. 19 November 2020

    Rise in scams impersonating NZ businesses during COVID-19

    From 1 April to 5 November 2020, the FMA issued 61 warnings about investment scams, of which 21 (or 34%) were impostor scams, where the names and details of legitimate businesses are unlawfully used by scammers to trick investors, such as fake websites or social media accounts. By comparison, in the same timeframe during 2019, the FMA issued 40 warnings and only four (10%) were impostor scams. Read the media release.
    COVID-19, FMA stories, Media release, Consumer, News & Insights, Scams
  6. 15 March 2023

    Providing advice on behalf of someone else

    Providing advice on behalf of someone else is a way you can operate under the new financial advice regime. See the licensing requirements, costs and next steps here.
    New Financial Advice regime, Business
  7. 30 April 2021

    CoFR Consumer Vulnerability Framework April 2021

    Members of the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR)1 have agreed on a common understanding of the characteristics of a vulnerable consumer. We are presenting this as a framework to help industry in developing their own approaches to assisting vulnerable consumers. This framework is non-binding and serves as a guideline only. We
    would anticipate firms to consult widely in developing their own terminology, procedures, and processes for assisting vulnerable consumers. These should focus on the evolving needs of the consumers they serve, should be appropriate for their business and in accordance with any specific
    legislative requirements.
    Financial Advice Provider, Banking, Regulation, Roles, Council of financial regulators (CoFR), Business, FMA
  8. 2 August 2022

    Consumer Experience with the Financial Sector Survey 2022

    The Consumer Experience with the Financial Sector survey is our inaugural, nationally representative survey of New Zealand consumers. The FMA commissioned the survey to gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer experiences with the financial sector. The research reveals insights into the mindset and motivations of consumers as they manage their money and deal with financial services firms. This research is part of a commitment by the FMA to build a better understanding of consumers to help shape our regulation of the financial sector and deliver on our objectives. The data also provides valuable insights for the financial services industry, other Government agencies and consumer bodies.
    Crowdfunding providers, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Offer information, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Peer-to-peer lending service providers, Supervisor
    PDF, Research
  9. 8 June 2015

    Dominion Finance Group and North South Finance

    Securities Commission alleged that the directors made false statements in the Dominion Finance Group registered prospectus dated 13 September 2007, as amended by an extension certificate 20 December 2007 and the North South Finance registered prospectus dated 11 September 2007, as amended by an extension certificate 20 December 2007. Read more.
    Misleading statement, Breach, Enforcement
  10. 18 March 2022

    FMA comments on conflict of interest processes

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko today welcomed an independent review into the advice provided to the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs in relation to the appointment of default KiwiSaver providers in 2021. This media release serves as comment about our conflict of interest processes
    Media release, FMA, News & Insights
  11. 13 August 2021

    Standard conditions overseas audit firms

    This document serves as a guide to the standard conditions attached to licences of overseas auditors operating in New Zealand.
    Auditors, Standard conditions, Roles, Licensing & registration, Business