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Found 4261 results. Displaying page 58 of 285

  1. 30 July 2014

    Expense disclosure CE gifts 2014 jan feb

    CE gift and hospitality disclosure for the period 1 January 2014 - 30 June 2014
    Chief Executive Gifts and Benefits Disclosure, FMA
  2. 25 September 2020

    Kiwisaver Annual Report 2020

    The report details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the year ended 30 June 2020, and contains the
    sixth annual summary of the statistical returns, required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act.
    Monitoring, Reports and Papers, KiwiSaver providers, Supervisor, Managed investment schemes, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  3. 30 April 2021

    CoFR Consumer Vulnerability Framework April 2021

    Members of the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR)1 have agreed on a common understanding of the characteristics of a vulnerable consumer. We are presenting this as a framework to help industry in developing their own approaches to assisting vulnerable consumers. This framework is non-binding and serves as a guideline only. We
    would anticipate firms to consult widely in developing their own terminology, procedures, and processes for assisting vulnerable consumers. These should focus on the evolving needs of the consumers they serve, should be appropriate for their business and in accordance with any specific
    legislative requirements.
    Financial Advice Provider, Banking, Regulation, Roles, Council of financial regulators (CoFR), Business, FMA
  4. 28 June 2022

    NZX Obligations Review 2022

    Findings from the FMA's review of how well NZX is meeting its licensed market operator obligations, for the period 1 January to 31 December 2021.
    Offer disclosure for equity and debt offers, Market operator, Roles, Business
  5. 19 December 2018

    NZX Derivatives Market Rules - Approval of Rule Changes 2018

    This notice approves changes to the Derivates Rules that were provided to the FMA by NZX for approval on 13 Nov 2018. The changes approved are: necessary amendments to ensure consistency with the listing rules and the Captial Adequcy rules have been amended to include "Fund" as well as Debt and Equity Securities.
    Derivatives, FMC Act, Legislation, Ways to invest, Investing, Business, Consumer
    PDF, Notice
  6. 30 August 2014

    Creation of new unit trusts during transition period information sheet 2014

    This information sheet responds to queries by market participants about the ability to create new unit trust schemes under the Unit Trusts Act 1960 between 1 December 2014 and 30 November 2015. FMA’s opinion is that persons creating unit trusts between 1 December 2014 and 1 December 2015 can choose between regimes.
    Managed investment schemes, Roles, Business