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  1. 20 October 2021

    FMA sets target dates for FAP full licence applications

    The FMA has set 30 September 2022 as the “target date” by when all transitional financial advice providers should apply for their Class 1 or Class 2 full licences. For Class 3 licence applicants, the target date is 30 June 2022.
    Financial Advice Provider, Licensing & registration, Roles, Media release, Business, News & Insights
  2. 18 March 2022

    FMA comments on conflict of interest processes

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko today welcomed an independent review into the advice provided to the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs in relation to the appointment of default KiwiSaver providers in 2021. This media release serves as comment about our conflict of interest processes
    Media release, FMA, News & Insights
  3. 12 February 2021

    ANZ admits breaching FMC Act for misleading representations over credit card insurance charges

    The Auckland High Court has ordered ANZ New Zealand to pay a $280,000 penalty for breaching section 22 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMCA) in relation to its supply of Credit Card Repayment Insurance (CCRI) to certain bank customers.
    Cases, Fair dealing, FMC Act, Legislation, Media release, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  4. 11 March 2021

    ANZ ordered to pay $280,000 penalty for misleading representations over credit card insurance charges

    The Auckland High Court has ordered ANZ New Zealand (ANZ) to pay a $280,000 civil penalty for breaching the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMCA) by making misleading representations in the supply of credit card repayment insurance (CCRI) to 307 of its customers.
    Cases, Fair dealing, FMC Act, Legislation, Media release, Business, News & Insights, Enforcement
  5. 1 October 2020

    Contributions help KiwiSaver continue to grow through COVID-19

    KiwiSaver has continued to grow despite market volatility and economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 , according to the Financial Markets Authority’s (FMA) KiwiSaver Annual Report for the year ended March 2020.
    Media release, KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights
  6. 30 June 2020

    FMA publishes NZX Obligations annual review 2020

    NZX met its statutory obligations as a licensed market operator for the period 1 January to 31 December 2019, according to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA)’s annual review. The NZX General Obligations Review, published by the FMA today, found that NZX complied with its market operator obligations during the review period. Read the full media release and NZX General Obligations Review here.
    Shares, Roles, Ways to invest, Investing, Media release, Business, Consumer, Market operator, News & Insights
  7. 30 June 2020

    FMA publishes Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has today released the Statement of Intent (SOI) and Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE). Together the publications set out how the FMA will measure and report on progress against its performance measures and targets. Read both documents and the full media release here.
    Media release, FMA, News & Insights
  8. 9 September 2019

    Opportunity for all Kiwis in Capital Markets 2029 report

    NZX and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) today welcomed the release of the Capital Markets 2029 report, saying the 10-year vision and growth agenda would create more opportunities for Kiwis to grow personal wealth, help New Zealand businesses to prosper, and help future-proof the country’s economy.
    Roles, Media release, Business, News & Insights, Market operator
  9. 12 July 2019

    FMA comments on Ross Asset Management investor proceedings

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) said today’s filing of proceedings on behalf of eligible investors in Ross Asset Management marked the end of a long battle to enable the FMA to engage with investors so they could determine whether to bring a claim against ANZ.
    Cases, Media release, News & Insights, Enforcement
  10. 10 June 2019

    Kiwis take longer to choose a movie than check KiwiSaver

    A recent survey of 1100 New Zealanders for the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) found four out of five people took up to 10 minutes to choose a movie, but just over half of those questioned spent the same time reading their KiwiSaver annual statement. Read more.
    Media release, KiwiSaver & Superannuation, Consumer, News & Insights
  11. 1 April 2019

    AML/CFT monitoring report highlights concerns, sets out future focus

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has published an Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) monitoring report setting out the areas requiring further attention by the management and boards of the reporting entities it supervises. Read more.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Media release, Business, News & Insights
  12. 15 April 2019

    FMA files civil proceedings over trading in Oceania Natural

    The FMA has issued civil proceedings in the High Court against four individuals in relation to trading in Oceania Natural Limited. The proceedings relate to alleged breaches of market manipulation prohibitions and the disclosure obligations in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. Read more.
    Cases, Media release, News & Insights, Enforcement
  13. 15 November 2018

    Incentives for bank staff too highly focused on sales - November 2018

    The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) published Bank Incentive Structures, its thematic review of how banks in New Zealand incentivise their staff. The report sits alongside the recently published joint FMA/Reserve Bank of New Zealand Conduct and Culture review of New Zealand’s banks.
    Banking, Media release, Business, News & Insights