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Found 3349 results. Displaying page 10 of 224

  1. 15 October 2013

    FMP Medical Services Limited

    Financial Markets Authority made orders under section 43G{l}(c} and section 43F(l}(a} of the Securities Act 1978, cancelling registration of the registered combined prospectus and investment statement for an issue of equity securities of FMP Medical Services Limited and prohibiting the distribution of the Offer Document. Read more.
    Stop Order, Powers, Enforcement
  2. 29 July 2020

    Financial Markets Conduct (Booster Financial Services Limited) Exemption Notice 2020

    This notice exempts Booster Financial Services Limited (BFSL) and its nominated representatives from certain provisions of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, in relation to the new financial advice regime. The effect of the notice is that BFSL is permitted to have nominated representatives under a transitional licence, and it and its nominated representatives have the benefit of the transitional regime’s competency safe harbour.
    Exemptions, Secondary legislation, Business
  3. 12 November 2018

    Oxford Finance Services

    Oxford Finance Services could be involved in a scam. It is not associated with New Zealand registered Gilrose Finance Company Limited and Oxford Finance Limited as claimed on their website.
    Suspected scam, Scams
  4. 15 November 2021

    Adler Acquisitions and Financial Services Inspectorate (Finansiell Tjänster Inspektorat)

    WARNING: The FMA received a complaint from a New Zealand resident who invested in shares with Adler Acquisition. Adler Acquisition issued the complainant a letter from Financial Services Inspectorate / Finansiell Tjänster Inspektorat, who purport to be a regulatory authority in Sweden, requesting the complainant make a payment to the regulator before the investor’s money can be released.
    Fake regulator, Suspected scam, Consumer, Scams