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Found 1923 results. Displaying page 64 of 129

  1. 11 November 2021

    Mido Finance Limited

    WARNING: Mido Finance Limited offers plans for investing in DeFi, NFT and cryptocurrency exchanges while offering daily profits from 0.7 to 4.3%, via its website. The website claims that the company is subject to regulation in New Zealand, but the company is not a registered financial service provider in New Zealand. This means that they cannot provide financial products or services to New Zealand residents.
    Investor warning, Unregistered business, Consumer
  2. 7 July 2005

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited

    Braemar Lodge 2004 Limited offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. Braemar and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  3. 7 July 2005

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited

    Alpine Pacific Developments Limited has offered participatory securities for subscription in conjunction with individual unit titles under the Unit Titles Act 1972 since December 2004. It has done so without a registered prospectus, investment statement or deed of participation. No allotments of the securities have yet occurred. Alpine and the directors(Neil Gurdjieff Dougan, Ernest Ross Thomson) were, at the time of the offer, unaware that the offers had been made in contravention of the Securities Act 1978. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  4. 8 June 2006

    The Gables Limited (TGL), Combined Financial Services Limited (CFS) and Aoraki Commerical Property Limited (ACP)

    The Securities Commission formed the view that the offer made by TGL and the advertisement of the offer by CFS and ACP in 2006 did not comply with section 33(1) of the Act in that it was not made in or accompanied by an investment statement that complied with the Act and the Securities Regulations 1983, nor was it made in an authorised advertisement, nor in or accompanied by a registered prospectus that complied with the Act and Regulations. Read more.
    Enforceable undertaking, Powers, Enforcement
  5. 15 October 2013

    FMP Medical Services Limited

    Financial Markets Authority made orders under section 43G{l}(c} and section 43F(l}(a} of the Securities Act 1978, cancelling registration of the registered combined prospectus and investment statement for an issue of equity securities of FMP Medical Services Limited and prohibiting the distribution of the Offer Document. Read more.
    Stop Order, Powers, Enforcement
  6. 29 April 2024

    AML/CFT customer due diligence: companies

    New Zealand companies are incorporated under the Companies Act 1993. Overseas companies that carry on business in New Zealand are also required to be registered under Part 18 of the Companies Act.
    Customer Due Diligence - Companies Section 11 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the Act) requires you to conduct CDD on:
    - a customer;
    - any beneficial owner of a customer;
    - any person acting on behalf of a customer.
    AML/CFT, Roles, Authorised body under a FAP, Client money or property services provider, Crowdfunding providers, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Business, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights, Peer-to-peer lending service providers, Supervisor
    Page, Guidance
  7. 21 June 2022

    Future Ready Advice Summit highlights

    Transcript of FMA’s Director of Market Engagement John Botica speech at the FSC’s Future Ready Advice Summit in Queenstown on June 14, 2022.
    Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Roles, Speeches and presentations , Business
  8. 21 July 2022

    Regulatory approach

    We expect all market participants to pursue the objectives and spirit of regulation rather than the letter of the law. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. We supervise and monitor market participants in line with our statutory objectives. Where we see misconduct in financial markets, we seek to hold those responsible to account. These pages provide you more information on our regulatory and enforcement approach.
    Regulation, Regulatory cooperation, Business, FMA
  9. 8 September 2023

    Consultation: Climate-related disclosures timing challenge

    The FMA is consulting on a proposed exemption to exempt certain climate reporting entities from the requirement to include a link to their climate statements in their annual report for a 2-year period. Submissions close 7 August 2023.
    Consultations, Roles, Authorised body under a FAP, Ethical finance, Climate related disclosure, Financial Institutions, Managed Investment Schemes, Climate Reporting Entities, Business, Managed investment schemes
  10. 21 June 2019

    FMA's fifth statistical report on AFAs in NZ

    The Financial Markets Authority’s annual snapshot of Authorised Financial Advisers shows 140 advisers became AFAs in the year to the end of June 2018. That’s the highest number of new AFAs in the three years the FMA has broken down advisers being authorised and those whose authorisation lapses.
    Media release, Financial Adviser, Roles, Business, News & Insights