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  1. 31 July 2023

    Standards for designated Financial Market Infrastructures

    The standards for designated FMIs were issued on 27 July 2023 under sections 31 and 34 of the Financial Market Infrastructures Act 2021 (the FMI Act) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Financial Markets Authority acting jointly as the regulator under section 9 of the FMI Act. The standards come into effect starting from 1 March 2024.
  2. 20 September 2023

    KiwiSaver Annual Report 2023

    The KiwiSaver Annual Report 2023 summarises our activities as a regulator relating to KiwiSaver during the reporting previous financial year.
  3. 27 June 2023

    NZX Obligations Review 2023

    Findings from the FMA's review of how well NZX is meeting its licensed market operator obligations, for the period 1 January to 31 December 2022.
  4. 13 December 2023

    SGX DT Obligations Review 2023

    Market operator obligations review SGX-DT. Findings from the FMA’s review of how well SGX-DT is meeting its licensed market operator obligations, for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
  5. 2 August 2023

    Class legislative notices summary 2023

    This is a summary of the Financial Markets Conduct Act class legislative notices we have granted (and are in force) as at 1 June 2023. It includes exemptions, designations, frameworks or methodologies, and public accountability notices.
  6. 20 January 2023

    MIS Sector Risk Assessment 2023

    Findings from the FMA’s assessment of the sector risks and the underlying key risk factors for Managed Investment Schemes (MIS), January 2023