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  1. 19 February 2018

    Conduct Outcomes Report 2017

    The Conduct Outcomes Report outlines how we responded to the areas of misconduct we saw during 2017. It covers our enforcement action, monitoring and supervision work, and our activities to address risks and harms on our regulatory perimeter. It also includes good practice suggestions for licensed financial service providers, and sets out where we will focus our energies in 2018.
  2. 3 October 2017

    KiwiSaver Annual Report 2017

    We are required to report each year on our main KiwiSaver activities. This report covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, and contains a summary of the statistical returns required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes as at 31 March 2017.
  3. 2 October 2017

    Strategic Risk Outlook 2017

    Our Strategic Risk Outlook provides our medium-term view (three to five years) of the most significant risks to and opportunities for promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets.
  4. 29 June 2017

    NZX Obligations Report 2017

    This report outlines our annual review of how well NZX is meeting its statutory obligations, and covers the 2016 calendar year.
  5. 28 June 2017

    Statement of Intent 2017

    Our SOI has a four-year outlook and follows the SRO by identifying the performance measures we will use to mark our progress towards achieving our regulatory objectives. This is our 2017 report.
  6. 29 May 2017

    Investor Confidence Survey 2017

    The FMA carried out investor research measuring attitudes towards, and investment in New Zealand’s financial markets. The survey was conducted by Colmar Brunton in 2017.
  7. 16 February 2017

    2017 Letter of Expectations

    The letter of expectation 2017 is delivered by the Minister to the FMA to formalise expectation of the FMA as a Crown entity.
  8. 12 December 2017

    Class legislative notice summary 2017

    This is a summary of the Financial Markets Conduct Act and Financial Adviser Act class legislative notices we have granted in effect as at 1 December 2017.
  9. 12 December 2017

    CPA accredited body report 2017

    This report contains the findings of our monitoring assessment of CPA Australia for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.
  10. 12 December 2017

    NZICA accredited body report 2017

    This report contains the findings of our monitoring assessment of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.
  11. 28 November 2017

    Investor Capability Strategy 2017 2020

    This strategy sets out how we plan to target our efforts around ensuring investors have access to the information they need to make informed investment decisions.