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Found 1823 results. Displaying page 89 of 122

  1. 3 April 2017

    Consultation paper Short duration derivatives

    This consultation is for: interested parties including offerors, investors and legal advisers. It aims to: gain feedback on the impact of a class designation for short duration derivatives.
  2. 3 March 2017

    Mark Warminger - Judgment

    Mark Warminger Judgment in the HIgh Court issued in the case brought about by the FMA March 2017.
  3. 20 February 2017

    Conduct Outcomes Report 2016

    This report highlights the key issues and actions from our enforcement, supervision and preventative activities in the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
  4. 16 February 2017

    2017 Letter of Expectations

    The letter of expectation 2017 is delivered by the Minister to the FMA to formalise expectation of the FMA as a Crown entity.
  5. 15 February 2017

    New Zealand Law Society - MOU

    MOU concerning consultation, cooperation and the exchange of information between the FMA and the New Zealand Law Society