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  1. 1 October 2011

    KiwiSaver Report 2011

    The report details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the year ended 30 June 2011, and contains the sixth annual summary of the statistical returns, required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act.
  2. 27 June 2011

    NZX Obligations Review 2011

    Under the FMC Act, we are required to review at least annually how well a licensed market operator is meeting its obligations, and to publish a written report. Broadly, these relate to the areas of operation that are regulatory in nature. Publishing the report provides transparency into our oversight of NZX. This report was published in 2011.
  3. 1 March 2011

    Good character and criminal convictions guidance note

    The guidance note is intended to answer some of the queries the Commission has received regarding the assessment of good character, as well as provide further guidance on the information applicants need to provide to the Commission in relation to criminal convictions.
  4. 1 March 2011

    AML/CFT Sector Risk Assessment 2011

    Our Sector Risk Assessment (SRA) helps us and the REs we supervise understand the risks of money-laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) in each sector.
  5. 3 April 2008

    KiwiSaver performance fees and ethical fund guideline

    In general terms, the costs associated with an ethical fund are similar to the costs associated with a normal equity fund when bottom-up analysis is undertaken. Hence, for funds with similar asset profiles, the Government Actuary would expect the fee levels of ethical funds to be similar to the fee levels of non-ethical funds. However if a global overlay is used, it would be expected that the additional cost necessary for the additional services to be quantified.