28 February 2013

FMA signals its compliance focus for 2013

Media Release
28 February 2013

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) today released its compliance focus for 2013 which outlines FMA's priority areas for monitoring and surveillance over the next year.

The document details four major themes which will influence priorities: building customer trust; raising standards in existing regimes; embedding new regimes; and KiwiSaver.

FMA CEO Sean Hughes said "Signalling our focus for 2013 makes sense. It provides an opportunity for participants to assess their activities and take the necessary steps to improve compliance in these areas."

"The document is not intended to be a complete list of all the work we will do, but it outlines our priorities and overall regulatory approach. Priorities will evolve as we monitor financial markets and evaluate emerging risks, but we're anticipating that these themes will remain beyond 2013."

In addition to the four major themes, FMA will be placing significant emphasis on supporting participants and investors throughout the reconstruction of Christchurch.

"FMA's focus in 2013 will also support the Government's Business Growth Agenda, and specifically its Building Capital Markets initiatives launched yesterday."


Scott McMurray on 029 222 0776 or [email protected]
A copy of FMA's Compliance Focus for 2013 can be viewed here. Copies will also be distributed to market participants. Additional copies can be supplied by contacting Danette Hunter at FMA on [email protected].