10 September 2020

ICX Capital Ltd (currently known as嘉盛国际)

ENTITY NAME: ICX Capital Ltd (currently known as嘉盛国际)
ASSOCIATES: EMCM Ltd (www.emcmltd.com/sc/index.php); LX Markets (www.lx-markets.com)
WEBSITE: www.icxfor.com; www.icxcl.com (non-operational)
[email protected]; [email protected]


The FMA recommends exercising caution before dealing with ICX Capital Limited (currently known as 嘉盛国际), EMCM Limited, and the websites www.icxfor.com and www.icxcl.com, and www.emcmltd.com/sc/index.php which purports to be operated by ICX Capital Limited, and EMCM Limited respectively.

ICX Capital Limited and EMCM Limited are not subject to regulation in New Zealand and they are not supervised by the financial markets regulator in New Zealand, the Financial Markets Authority.  In addition, there is no regulator named as “New Zealand Financial Service Provider”.

ICX Capital Limited and EMCM Limited are not associated with New Zealand incorporated company and registered financial service provider, Tenda Group Limited.