25 July 2024

OMF digital currency trading platform – Imposter websites

We recommend caution when dealing with the “OMF digital currency trading platform” which is mis-using branding from the Jarden group and running cryptocurrency scams through a number of websites.  

Jarden Group Limited (NZBN: 9429034228463) confirms that neither it, its subsidiaries and affiliates in New Zealand and overseas offer any such cryptocurrency or digital currency asset management services. 

We are aware of an investor contacted through WhatsApp and offered trading on the “OMF digital currency trading platform”. Large upfront fees were demanded to process withdrawals. 

The FMA has previously warned about another website impersonating Jarden Group Limited. Details can be found here:

Scam alert for OMF


ENTITY NAME: OMF digital currency trading platform
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

  • www.omfexchange.com (https://m.omfexchange.com/#/)
  • www.omfmarkets-ex.com (https://.m.omfmarkets-ex.com/#/)  
  • www.markets-omf.com
  • www.OmFmArketXj.com (m.omfmarketxj.com/#/)
  • www.omf-markett.com
  • www.Om-FmArketsX.com (https://m.om-fmarketsx.com/#/) 
  • www.om-fmarktsex.com (https://m.om-fmarktsex.com/#/) 
  • O-MfMarketts.com (https://.m.o-mfmarketts.com/#/)