17 February 2025

Network of fake online investment platforms – Suspected scam

The FMA has become aware of a large network of fake online investing platforms. These platforms are being used as part of an investment scam.

Once a person invests in one of these platforms, they are presented with a login where they can see the “profits” they have earned. However, the “profits” are fabricated.

When investors try to withdraw their funds, the platforms refuse. The platforms will often ask for further payments to cover “taxes” or “withdrawal fees”, saying that the withdrawal will be processed once the extra payments are made. However, even if the investor pays the extra money, no funds will be released.

We recommend extreme caution when dealing with any of the 96 duplicate websites/platforms listed below. 

We may update this warning as we are made aware of further websites, as the names frequently change (last updated 19 March 2025).

Platform name Website Email
247marketgain Limited 247markettrade.com [email protected]
ABUSA fxpioneet.com [email protected]
ABUSA gaitameonlinefx.com [email protected]
AEEST aeestgroup.com [email protected]
Allianz (Imposter) fproalizan.com -
ANCETD ancetdfx.com [email protected]
ANCETD ancetd.com [email protected]
Apex FX (Imposter) apexfxent.com [email protected]
ASL aslasll.com [email protected]
ATFX (Imposter) atfxgoldsvip.com [email protected]
ATFX (Imposter) atfxgoldvip.cc [email protected]
AUS GLOBAL (Imposter) ausglobalforex.com [email protected]
Baazex (Imposter) baazexdx.com [email protected]
Baazex (Imposter) baazexfx.com [email protected]
Bitcecoin gf.bitceco.com [email protected]
Bitcecoin bitcecoin.com [email protected]
Bitpie (Imposter) bitpieexc.com -
BlackBull FX (Imposter) blackbullfxltd.com [email protected]
BLG Finance (Imposter) blgfinance.com [email protected]
BLG Pro blgpro.com [email protected]
BLK International Exchange Inc (Imposter) blkinternationalltd.com [email protected]
Blueberry (Imposter) blueberry-global.com [email protected]
Boloni boloniltd.com [email protected]
Branch Capital Ltd (Imposter) branch-fx-one.com [email protected]
Branch Forex branch-forex.com [email protected]
Bright Stream Capital Management Limited bscapm.com [email protected]
Brighten Forex (Imposter) branctrade.com [email protected]
Btgrdo btgrdo.com [email protected]
Capital Group (Imposter) tradercgomarkets.com [email protected]
Capital Group (Imposter) tradercgmarkets.com [email protected]
Capital Manage capitalmanager.link [email protected]
Capital Manage capitalmanager.net [email protected]
Catalyst Markets Ltd (Imposter) catalystgroupstar.com [email protected]
COMETA cometa-global.com [email protected]
COMEX comcvip.com [email protected]
COMEX comcfx.com [email protected]
COMEX comeafx.com [email protected]
CXM Trading (Imposter) cxmtra.com [email protected]
DBG MARKETS (Imposter) dbg-markets.cc [email protected]
DBG Markets Limited (Imposter) dbgmarkentskinlhdsb.com [email protected]
DBG Markets Limited (Imposter) dbgmarkentskinlted.com [email protected]
DCM dcmmarkets.com [email protected]
Decode Global Limited (Imposter) pecodefx.com [email protected]
DEOASIS LIMITED deoasis.net [email protected]
DK Global Forex Limited dkglob.com [email protected]
DML Markets dml-markets.com -
DTX MARKETS dtxmaiketx.cc [email protected]
DTX MARKETS dtx-markets.com [email protected]
DXI wwwdxi.botaifrp.com -
EBC eibcfinancldif.icu [email protected]
Ec Markets (Imposter) buxmarketstd.com [email protected]
Exclusive Capital (Imposter) exclusivegoldfx.com [email protected]
FBS (Imposter) fbssltd.com [email protected]
FCAAGEA Financial Limited fcaageafin.com [email protected]
Fidelity (Imposter) fdglobalmarket.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX firephoenixex.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX firephoenixig.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX firephoenixin.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX firephoenixit.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX metatrade5il.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX metatrade5it.com [email protected]
FIRE PHOENIX metatrade5pro.com [email protected]
FOBOX foboxglobal.com [email protected]
FOGO fogoforex.com [email protected]
FUNDING funding-mx.com [email protected]
Fuwa FX (Imposter) fuwaltd.com [email protected]
Fuwa FX (Imposter) fuwafx.com [email protected]
Gffxx gffxx-ff6.com http://webmail.gffxx.com
GF-Trade (Imposter) gftradese.com -
GMI Global Market Index Limited (Imposter) gmimarkets.vip [email protected]
Gray-Thy gray-thy.com [email protected]
HF Markets (Imposter) marketsintervip.com [email protected]
HF Markets (Imposter) marketsinter.com [email protected]
HUT8 (Imposter) hut8ltd.com [email protected]
HXQNA hxqna.com [email protected]
IBTP ibtpglobal.com -
IG Markets Ltd (Imposter) igmarketsfx.com [email protected]
IUX (Imposter) iuxmarketsfx.com [email protected]
IVISION (Imposter) ivisiontrade.com [email protected]
JHMFX jhmfxltd.com [email protected]
KCM Trade Limited (Imposter) kcmtradeint.com -
KKR Pro (Imposter) kkrrh.com -
KMAICC kmaicc.vip [email protected]
KMAICC kmaicc.xyz [email protected]
KMAICC mt5pro.vip [email protected]
Kyros kyros.vip [email protected]
Lenmax (Imposter) lesenmaks.cc [email protected]
Liberty FX lamboxfx.cc [email protected]
Liberty FX libertyfxltd.com [email protected]
LSZ Digital Exchange Ltd lszxy-fx.com [email protected]
ManCu IFC mancuifcnet.com [email protected]
ManCu IFC madcuifcgroup.com [email protected]
MPRDE FX mprde.com [email protected]
NASDAQK LIMITED nasdaqkfx.com [email protected]
NEONSKY neonskytd.com [email protected]
NEONSKY neonskyfx.com [email protected]
News newsmarketsltd.com [email protected]
NovaTech (Imposter) novalimited.info [email protected]
NYSE (Imposter) xynnyse.com -
NYSE (Imposter) yqanyse.com -
NYSE (Imposter) yqenyse.com -
OWTE onewaytex.com [email protected]
PARRTD  parrtd.com [email protected]
Pepperstone (Imposter) pepperstonevip.com [email protected]
Prudential prudentialweb.bizdw.com -
RIVER (Imposter) rivergloballtd.com [email protected]
Saxo (Imposter) saxoasin.com [email protected]
Saxo (Imposter) saxobankasia.com [email protected]
SEDX sedxltd.com [email protected]
SHTNE ssjtcf-forex.com [email protected]
SHTNE  shtne.vip [email protected]
SKN skncoin.com [email protected]
SKN sknfx.net [email protected]
SKN sstraderltd.com [email protected]
Skyline (Imposter) skylineltdfx.com [email protected]
sownotx sownotx.com [email protected]
SQLQD sqlqdmarts.com [email protected]
SSGA Pro pcssgapro.gdcyls.com -
SSGA Pro pcssgapro.glennallan.com -
Stock Fx stockfxmarkets.com [email protected]
Straits (Imposter) straitsfxvip.com [email protected]
Straits (Imposter) straitsfx.com [email protected]
Tasman (Imposter) tasmanltd.com [email protected]
Tasman FX (Imposter) tasmaltd.com [email protected]
TAU Limited tauforex.net [email protected]
Temaket Information Limited temaketltd.com [email protected]
TMGM tmgmltd.com [email protected]
TPC Metatrade tpcmetatrader.com [email protected]
TradeMateInc trademx365.com [email protected]
TradeMateInc catradeteinc.com [email protected]
TradeMateInc (Imposter) trademate.pro [email protected]
TradeMateInc (Imposter) tradematemx.com [email protected]
V3option limited v3option.com [email protected]
XCharter xchar.cc [email protected]
XM Defi (Imposter) aaaxmcfd.com [email protected]
XM Defi (Imposter) aaaxmglomarkets.com [email protected]
YLCHAT ylchat.com [email protected]
ZODIA MARKETS (Imposter) zodiamarkets.vip [email protected]