Page last updated: 09 September 2024

Warnings and alerts

This list of warnings and alerts on this page contains the names of businesses or individuals you should be wary of if you are planning to invest. The list is not exhaustive and there is no guarantee that the business or individual listed has not changed their name.

Search Results

Found 655 results. Displaying page 11 of 44

  1. 27 July 2023 – Imposter website

    We recommend exercising caution when dealing with website is offering investments and is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  2. 21 July 2023

    HSBC – Fake term deposits

    We are concerned that a scam offering fake investments such as term deposits in the name of HSBC is targeting New Zealanders.
  3. 10 July 2023 - Imposter Website purports to be a registered company in New Zealand by using the name and New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) of a legitimate New Zealand company, Holding Heritage Limited.
  4. 10 July 2023

    PSLUS.COM – Imposter website

    PSLUS.COM offers investments but is not registered to provide financial services here in New Zealand. It purports to be a registered company in New Zealand by using the Certificate of Incorporation of a legitimate New Zealand company, PSL Enterprises Limited.
  5. 5 July 2023

    OKX Pro – Unregistered, withholding funds

    OKX Pro offers cryptocurrency products through its website. OKX Pro is based overseas but does not appear to be subject to regulation by any overseas regulator. It is unreasonably withholding funds and requesting further funds to enable withdrawals.
  6. 4 July 2023

    Stake Funds – Unregistered, withholding funds

    We recommend exercising caution when dealing with Stake Funds and its website The website offers investment plans however is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand.
  7. 12 June 2023

    Market Radar – Unreasonably withholds clients’ funds

    The entity offers trading in cryptocurrency, forex and CFDs via their website. However, Market Radar is not a registered entity, nor a registered financial service provider in New Zealand. As such, they are not registered to provide financial products or services to New Zealand residents, nor do they hold a Derivatives Issuer Licence.