20 May 2024

SSGA Pro and DBRS Morningstar – Unregistered business, duplicate websites

We recommend caution when dealing with SSGA Pro and DBRS Morningstar, which are duplicate websites.  

Both falsely claim to be regulated by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA), the Australian Securities Investments Commission, and the Vanuatu Financial Securities Commission.  

The websites offer themselves as trading platforms for foreign currency exchange (forex) and Contract for Difference products. These are considered as derivatives and require entities to hold a derivatives license. The required licenses are not held by either of the two online entities, nor are they listed on the Financial Service Providers Registry.  

Additionally, the FMA has received a complaint regarding DBRS Morningstar unreasonably withholding client funds.


WEBSITE: ssgalimited.com; dbrspro.net
EMAIL: [email protected]; [email protected]