08 October 2024

BE / BE Club – Multi-level marketing, promotion of trading in high-risk products

We recommend caution when dealing with BE / BE Club / BE Ecosystem, or any individuals or entities promoting its services or products.

BE promotes trading platforms and apps for trading in high-risk products, including binary options, cryptocurrency, stocks, and forex trading. Its website creates an overall, misleading impression that its trading platform and software can make trading easier and safer, even in complex and risky products like binary options.

We are concerned the public may be misled into participating in its multi-level marketing scheme, expecting to earn unsubstantiated high passive income.

Additionally, BE is not authorised to provide any financial services or products under New Zealand law and may be operating in breach of fair dealing provisions under Part 2 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.


Entity name: BE / BE Club / BE Ecosystem
Websites: beclub.com; be.club
Associate: wowpowers.com
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]