26 May 2022

KiwiSaver 2022: Own your own tomorrow

Image of woman with the words "Own your tomorrow"

FMA’s annual KiwiSaver campaign 2022 encourages more New Zealanders to engage with their KiwiSaver.  

“Own your Tomorrow” reminds people that KiwiSaver is a simple way to invest for the long-term, and that taking small steps today can make a big difference to the future.

With recent research from Te Ara Ahunga Ora The Retirement Commission showing that women are retiring with 20% less in their KiwiSaver than their male counterparts, this year’s campaign has a particular focus on women.  


Are you on track with your KiwiSaver. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I happy with the amount of money I’ll have in my KiwiSaver at 65?

  2. Can I afford to contribute more?

  3. Am I in the right KiwiSaver fund?

  4. Am I getting good value from my KiwiSaver provider – do their fees seem reasonable?

KiwiSaver retirement projections

Your KiwiSaver statement includes how much money you’re projected to have at age 65, and what that means as a weekly payment spread out over 25 years.

The figures are not a guarantee but are an estimated projection to help you make important decisions about your KiwiSaver savings. 

More about KiwiSaver retirement projections

If you don’t think your projected balance will be enough to give you the kind of retirement you want, you could consider: 

  • Increasing your contributions
  • Switching to a more growth-oriented fund
  • Seeing how much you’re paying in fees
  • Talking to your KiwiSaver provider or a licensed financial advice provider

Remember, KiwiSaver is for the long-term

If your balance has dropped or it’s not what you’re expecting, don’t panic. KiwiSaver is designed for the long-term - markets go up and down and this is a normal part of investing. History shows us that markets can and do come back but it might take time. There are a few things you can do to increase your nest egg.

More about market volatility

See if you’re contributing enough

Increasing your contribution makes the most dramatic difference to your KiwiSaver balance. Even a small increase in your regular contribution can make a big difference to your results long term.  Contributing a minimum of $1042 by June 30 each year makes people eligible to receive the government contribution of $521.  It works out to just $20 per week to meet the minimum contribution.

Check whether you’re in the right fund type

The main fund types are Growth, Balanced and Conservative.

Growth funds are designed to maximise your returns and are generally best if you have a long time until you need your money.  Your balance might move around a bit, but the long-term nature of the investment means you have time to recover from market falls.  You need to be comfortable if you see your balance rise and fall – even by big amounts – and not be tempted to switch into a lower risk fund. Read our spotlight on Growth funds

Balanced funds sit in the middle — a balanced fund is one that’s less volatile than a growth fund but more likely to grow in value over the longer term than a conservative fund. Read our spotlight on Balanced funds

Conservative funds have lower, more predictable returns and are best if you are wanting to access your money – for retirement or a first home – in the next few years. Read our spotlight on Conservative funds