Page last updated: 01 December 2021

KiwiSaver retirement projections: Case Studies

Check out examples of how KiwiSaver retirement projections can look in these short case studies. For more information on KiwiSaver statements, visit Check your KiwiSaver statement


Shannon (23) is a primary school teacher in Auckland. She earns $52,000 a year and has been contributing 3% of her salary to KiwiSaver for the past two years. Her statement shows that she currently has $6,500 in her KiwiSaver Growth fund.

The projection estimates that her KiwiSaver fund will be worth $309,784 by the time she’s 65. Combined with NZ Super, that will give Shannon about $743 a week in retirement – a bit less than she earns now (assuming she lives to 90 years).

Fiona and Dave

Dave (46) earns $160,000 as an HR manager, while his partner Fiona (45) earns $95,000 working part-time as a GP.

Their KiwiSaver statements show that Dave has saved $72,000 and Fiona $32,000. Fiona took time out of the workforce to raise their children so she has quite a lot less than Dave, even though they both joined KiwiSaver at the same time and are both in Growth funds.

Combined, Fiona and Dave will have around $500,000 at 65 ($543,362) – around $1212 a week including NZ Super.

If Fiona and Dave both contributed 4% of their salaries to KiwiSaver, instead of their current 3%, they’d have more than $600,000 when they retire ($612,809).


The people, scenarios and existing balances presented in these case studies are fictitious and for illustrative purposes only.  Calculations are based on the government’s retirement projection assumptions

For the purposes of illustration, we assumed NZ Super figures for singles and couples as of June 2020. NZ Super rates rose by 3.1% in April 2021, which will increase the projections given here.  Salaries are estimated based on available industry figures.