Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1675 results. Displaying page 89 of 112

  1. 2 February 2016

    Guide for charities

    This information sheet outlines the options for community and voluntary organisations wanting to borrow money from investors. (This does not include donations).
  2. 1 February 2016

    AML/CFT annual monitoring report 2015

    The aim of this report is to summarise our monitoring to help firms and individuals better understand our expectations, and therefore improve their systems and processes, and ensure compliance with the Act. This report covers the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
  3. 12 January 2016

    NZMDT Market Rules 2016

    This notice allows for the NZX to replace the NZ Markets Disciolinary Tribunal Rules date 16 April 2015 with the NZMDT Rules provided to the FMA on 11 Nov 2015
  4. 17 December 2015

    Consultation paper Recognition of Overseas regimes proposed exemption relief

    This consultation is for: overseas issuers, overseas FMC reporting entities, their advisers and auditors. It aims to: test the appropriate level of disclosure, governance, financial reporting and audit relief required by overseas entities under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
  5. 17 December 2015

    Consultation paper Forestry scheme issues and exemption proposals

    This consultation is for Forestry scheme issuers, supervisors, managers and investors.It aims to: Seek views from the industry and investors on whether forestry schemes should be granted exemptions from certain obligations, and outline FMA’s view on how schemes can approach some compliance obligations.
  6. 17 December 2015

    Consultation paper proposed exemptions for existing property schemes

    This consultation is for property scheme managers, supervisors, custodians and investors. It aims to: outline the FMA’s view on how existing property schemes can approach new compliance obligations, and seek views from the industry and investors on whether these schemes should be granted exemptions from certain obligations.
  7. 10 December 2015

    Consultation Class designation of shares to MIPs in an MIS

    This consultation is for offerors, managers, supervisors, investors, legal advisers and interested parties. It aims to: gain feedback on the impact of class designations that would treat shares as managed investment products in a managed investment scheme.
  8. 9 December 2015

    CPA Australia accredited body report 2015

    The Auditor Regulation Act 2011 (the Act) requires the FMA to monitor the audit regulatory systems of accredited bodies to ensure that these systems and processes are adequate and effective. This report contains the outcome of our monitoring assessment of CPA Australia for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.