Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1692 results. Displaying page 107 of 113

  1. 1 August 2013

    Trustees Executors submission

    Submission from Trustees Executors in response to the Consultation paper: practical implications of reporting entities transacting with other reporting entities
  2. 1 August 2013

    Consultation submission Buddle Findlay

    Submission on Consultation Paper: Practical Implications of reporting entities transacting with other reporting entities and the factsheet on managing intermediaries
  3. 1 August 2013

    Westpac submission

    Submission from Westpac New Zealand Limited in response to the Consultation Paper: Practical implications of reporting entities transacting with other reporting entities, 8 Aug 2013
  4. 12 July 2013

    consultation paper charitable and religious purposes exemption review

    In this paper we seek submissions on proposals relating to the review the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is undertaking on the Securities Act (Charitable and Religious Purposes) Exemption Notice 2003 (SR 2003/66) (the CRP Notice), which is due to expire on 30 November 2013. FMA is reviewing the CRP Notice simultaneously with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s review of the appropriate treatment of charitable and religious organisations under the Non-bank Deposit Takers regime.
  5. 29 June 2013

    NZX Obligations Review 2013

    Under the FMC Act, we are required to review at least annually how well a licensed market operator is meeting its obligations, and to publish a written report. Broadly, these relate to the areas of operation that are regulatory in nature. Publishing the report provides transparency into our oversight of NZX. This report was published in 2013.
  6. 1 June 2013

    AML/CFT annual monitoring report 2013

    This document outlines the Financial Markets Authority’s (FMA’s) priorities for monitoring reporting entities under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML/CFT Act).