Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1629 results. Displaying page 72 of 109

  1. 9 May 2017

    IMF 2016 review of NZ

    The FSAP is a comprehensive assessment of the country’s financial sector and was coordinated by the Reserve Bank of
    New Zealand (RBNZ) on behalf of the members of New Zealand’s Council of Financial Regulators, which includes the FMA, the Treasury and MBIE.
    New Zealand’s prudential and securities regulation was tested against international principles and practices.
    Reports and Papers, Regulation, Business, News & Insights
  2. 9 May 2017

    IMF financial system stability assessment 2017

    This report is based on the work of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) missions that visited New Zealand in August 16–September 7, 2016 and November 2–17, 2016.
    Reports and Papers, Business, FMA, News & Insights
  3. 5 May 2017

    FMC (NZX Main Board/Debt Market Listing Rules) Approval of Rule Change Notice 2017)

    The changes approved in this notice are: a new NZX Corporate Governance Code that will replace existing Appendix 16 to the Listing Rules, changes to the Listing Rule 10.4.5, changes to references to the title of Appendix 16, and correction of a typographical error.
    FMC Act, Legislation, Business
    PDF, Notice
  4. 11 April 2017

    Consultation paper Improving financial information in an equity PDS

    This consultation is for issuers, their advisors, investors and other interested parties. It aims to seek feedback on our proposed guidance and interpretations of the regulations.
    Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Consultations, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes