Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1629 results. Displaying page 36 of 109

  1. 21 May 2021

    Costs of FADC case - OIA request

    OIA response, dated 21 May 2021, costs incurred from investigation commencement to completion by FMA and FADC relating to FADC case reference FADC 010
    PDF, OIA
  2. 17 May 2021

    Negative Interest Rate report 2021

    This report is for FMA-licensed entities and their key stakeholders. It gives feedback on key findings of the FMA’s September 2020 survey on industry readiness for negative interest rates.
    Monitoring, Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  3. 10 May 2021

    Steven Robertson - Appeal Judgment

    Supreme Court Judgment in the application of appeal by Steven Robertson, 10 May 2021.
    Court decision, Enforcement
  4. 30 April 2021

    CoFR Consumer Vulnerability Framework April 2021

    Members of the Council of Financial Regulators (CoFR)1 have agreed on a common understanding of the characteristics of a vulnerable consumer. We are presenting this as a framework to help industry in developing their own approaches to assisting vulnerable consumers. This framework is non-binding and serves as a guideline only. We
    would anticipate firms to consult widely in developing their own terminology, procedures, and processes for assisting vulnerable consumers. These should focus on the evolving needs of the consumers they serve, should be appropriate for their business and in accordance with any specific
    legislative requirements.
    Financial Advice Provider, Banking, Regulation, Roles, Council of financial regulators (CoFR), Business, FMA
  5. 30 April 2021

    OIA KiwiSaver FUM Funds

    Kiwisaver FUM forecasts/projections OIA response, dated 30 April 2021
    PDF, OIA
  6. 13 April 2021

    Managed fund fees and value for money - guidance

    Guidance and principles to help managers and supervisors of KiwiSaver schemes and other managed investment schemes to demonstrate how they are meeting their existing obligations, statutory duties, and conduct expectations in respect of fees and value for money. Published in April 2021.
    KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    PDF, Guidance
  7. 13 April 2021

    KiwiSaver performance fees guidance note

    This guidance note updated in 2021 is intended for the managers and supervisors of KiwiSaver schemes. It sets out the criteria against which the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) will assess the reasonableness of performance fees.
    KiwiSaver providers, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor
    PDF, Guidance
  8. 13 April 2021

    Managed fund fees and value for money - submissions report

    In December 2020 we published a consultation paper seeking input from KiwiSaver managers, KiwiSaver supervisors, other MIS managers, and other interested parties, on the regulatory approach to the statutory requirement that KiwiSaver fees must not be unreasonable and the related overarching statutory duties. This report summarises the feedback we received.
    Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, Consumer, Managed investment schemes, News & Insights