Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1704 results. Displaying page 29 of 114

  1. 14 March 2023

    Licensing guide - FAP

    This guide is for businesses and individuals intending to apply for a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) Licence.
  2. 14 March 2023

    Financial advice regime obligations

    If you provide regulated financial advice to clients you will need to fulfil a number of duties. These duties aim to ensure all New Zealanders have access to quality financial advice, and to help build public confidence in advisers – a good thing for everyone.
  3. 13 March 2023

    Market index exemption renewal feedback form

    Feedback form for consultation: FMA is seeking feedback on whether to renew a class exemption for MIS managers where assets do not have an appropriate market index.
  4. 8 March 2023

    KiwiSaver statistical returns user guide

    The purpose of the KwiSaver annual statistical return user guide is to explain how to complete the return and provide clarity for areas that have previously been questioned or may be open to interpretation.
  5. 7 March 2023

    FAP regulatory returns questions Class 2

    This document provides an overview of the questions you'll be asked for when you submit your Class 2 FAP Regulatory Return. The regulatory returns are due by 30 September for the 12-month period from 1 July to 30 June (period of return).
  6. 7 March 2023

    FAP regulatory returns questions Class 3

    This document provides an overview of the questions you'll be asked for when you submit your Class 3 FAP Regulatory Return. The regulatory returns are due by 30 September for the 12-month period from 1 July to 30 June (period of return).
  7. 7 March 2023

    FAP regulatory returns questions Class 1

    This document provides an overview of the questions you'll be asked for when you submit your Class 1 FAP Regulatory Return. The regulatory returns are due by 30 September for the 12-month period from 1 July to 30 June (period of return).
  8. 23 February 2023

    Notice of approved auditing courses

    Section 3(1)(e) of the prescribed minimum standards requires an individual who applies for a licence (under section 11 of the Act) after 30 June 2014 to have successfully completed a professional course in auditing approved by FMA. For the purposes of this section, FMA has approved the professional courses in auditing as documented in this PDF.
  9. 20 February 2023

    CoFI ID consultation feedback form

    This consultation feedback form relates to the proposed guidance that outlines our expectations when financial institutions are distributing products and services through intermediaries, under the CoFI regime.
  10. 20 February 2023

    CoFI id guidance consultation paper

    This consultation paper seeks feedback on proposed guidance that outlines our expectations when financial institutions are distributing products and services through intermediaries, under the CoFI regime.
  11. 20 February 2023

    Consultation CoFI id draft guidance

    This DRAFT guidance document relates to the consultation seeking feedback on proposed guidance that outlines our expectations when financial institutions are distributing products and services through intermediaries, under the CoFI regime.
  12. 15 February 2023

    Regulatory Impact Statement FAP Regulatory Returns

    This document is for financial advice providers, financial advisers, and other interested parties. It discusses the regulatory reporting requirements as required by Standard Condition 3 for licensed financial advice providers.
  13. 15 February 2023

    Validus - Interim Stop Order

    INTERIM STOP ORDER made by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) pursuant to section 465 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (Act), issued to Validus.