Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1628 results. Displaying page 41 of 109

  1. 1 October 2020

    COVID-19: Timetable of deferred Regulatory initiatives

    The table provides a list of the regulatory initiatives that are being deferred during the Covid-19 Alert Levels in August and September 2021. These deferrals will enable banks and other financial services firms to focus their efforts more effectively on continuing to operate smoothly and providing credit and other support to individuals and businesses.
    COVID-19, News & Insights
    PDF, Notice
  2. 30 September 2020

    Consultation Auditor Regulation Act Replacement and Amendments

    This consultation is for: licensed auditors and registered audit firms, accredited bodies, and other interested parties.
    Itseek views from licensed auditors and registered audit firms on the proposed revocation of the Auditor Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2012 and Amendment Notice 2015, and introduction of the Auditor
    Regulation Act (Prescribed Minimum Standards and
    Conditions for Licensed Auditors and Registered Audit Firms) Notice 2020.
    Auditors, Consultations, Roles, Business
  3. 25 September 2020

    Consultation licensing crowd funding

    Consultation: Draft minimum standards and licence conditions for crowd funding service providers.
    Crowdfunding providers, Roles, Consultations, Business
  4. 25 September 2020

    Hits and Myths Mary Holm Guidebook

    Hits and myths is an introductory guide to investing
    by Mary Holm. It’s a quick guide for anyone who’s thinking about or already dabbling in investing – and wants to know more.
    Investment basics, Investing, Consumer
  5. 25 September 2020

    Kiwisaver Annual Report 2020

    The report details the principal matters transacted under the Act during the year ended 30 June 2020, and contains the
    sixth annual summary of the statistical returns, required to be lodged by KiwiSaver schemes under section 125 of the Act.
    Monitoring, Reports and Papers, KiwiSaver providers, Supervisor, Managed investment schemes, Roles, Business, News & Insights
  6. 25 September 2020

    CoFR Timetable of Regulatory initiatives September 2020

    The table provides a comprehensive list of the regulatory initiatives that are being deferred during the Covid-19 crisis.
    COVID-19, Council of financial regulators (CoFR), FMA, News & Insights
  7. 23 September 2020

    Supervision Insights Report 2020

    An overview of the FMA’s supervision activities and findings from our monitoring reviews of regulated entities. This is our 2020 report.
    Reports and Papers, Roles, Business, News & Insights, Supervisor
  8. 10 September 2020

    Te Reo Maori Financial Glossary He Reo Whairawa

    This project is centered on the research and development of a fundamental vocabulary of 100 wealth and investment terms. The development and promotion of this vocabulary will form a critical support for enhancing and promoting the use of te reo Māori in the wealth and investment sector, and related educational programmes. The review of existing vocabulary and the development of new vocabulary is done in collaboration with both industry and linguistic experts.
    PDF, Resource
  9. 8 September 2020

    COVID 19 response insights 2020

    This information sheet summarises the FMA’s actions to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis up until 31 August, and highlights useful examples we have seen from market participants. It will help financial services entities to understand the FMA’s approach and consider ways to improve their own response as the crisis continues.
    COVID-19, News & Insights
    PDF, Information Sheet
  10. 1 September 2020

    Bonds Guide

    Bond voyage is a guide for investors on choosing, buying and owning bonds.
    Bonds, Ways to invest, Investing, Investor information, Consumer