Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 1629 results. Displaying page 24 of 109

  1. 16 August 2022

    Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) Manager Climate Reporting Entities Flow Chart

    This flow chart, for Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) Managers, is to help determine if your organisation is a Climate Reporting Entity. This chart is only for guidance. It should not be considered to be, or relied on as, legal advice. Please ensure you undertake your own due diligence.
    KiwiSaver providers, Climate related disclosure, Roles, Climate Reporting Entities, Business, Managed investment schemes
    PDF, Guidance
  2. 12 August 2022

    Consultation Proposed Standard conditions FAP full licensing

    Consultation: Proposed standard conditions for financial advice provider full licences and classes of financial advice service.
    Financial Advice Provider, Consultations, Roles, Standard conditions, Licensing & registration, Business
  3. 12 August 2022

    Standard Conditions - FAP licences

    Standard Conditions for financial advice provider licences.
    Financial Advice Provider, Standard conditions, Roles, Licensing & registration, Business
  4. 8 August 2022

    Exemption notice - Financial Markets Conduct (ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited-Offer of PPS)

    Financial Markets Conduct (ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited-Offer of PPS) Exemption Notice 2022. Pursuant to section 556 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, the Financial Markets Authority, being satisfied of the matters set out in section 557 of that Act, gives the following notice.
    Exemptions, Business
    PDF, Exemption notice
  5. 2 August 2022

    Consumer Experience with the Financial Sector Survey 2022

    The Consumer Experience with the Financial Sector survey is our inaugural, nationally representative survey of New Zealand consumers. The FMA commissioned the survey to gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer experiences with the financial sector. The research reveals insights into the mindset and motivations of consumers as they manage their money and deal with financial services firms. This research is part of a commitment by the FMA to build a better understanding of consumers to help shape our regulation of the financial sector and deliver on our objectives. The data also provides valuable insights for the financial services industry, other Government agencies and consumer bodies.
    Crowdfunding providers, Derivative Issuer, Discretionary investment management scheme (DIMS), Financial Advice Provider, Financial Adviser, Offer information, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Peer-to-peer lending service providers, Supervisor
    PDF, Research
  6. 26 July 2022

    Ethical Investment Journey Research

    This report contains findings from a qualitative study interviewing a range of New Zealanders about their experience with ethical* investments. It covers the underlying factors that drive people toward considering an ethical investment (KiwiSaver or managed fund) and their experiences of navigating the different providers and products on offer. It also provides detail on specific triggers and difficulties during people’s journey toward buying ethical investments. It covers the types of information people find most useful, challenges facing potential ethical investors, and factors providers should consider to improve people’s experience. Ethical Investment Journey Research - July 2022.
    Reports and Papers, Ethical finance, Business, FMA, News & Insights
    PDF, Report, Research
  7. 26 July 2022

    Integrated financial products Review of managed fund documentation

    Findings from a review of the effectiveness of disclosure information from a sample of managed investment funds labelled or marketed as being integrated financial products (e.g. sustainable, ethical, green)
    Ethical finance, Roles, Business, Managed investment schemes, Supervisor