Page last updated: 20 March 2025

Financial institution licensing FAQs

If you are in the business of providing one or more relevant services to consumers in New Zealand, you will need a financial institution licence.

Our team has fielded a number of questions from various financial insititutions about licensing. Please take a moment to read through the licensing FAQs ahead of applying for your licence.

We are already licensed by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, or are planning to apply for a licence from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Do we need to obtain a financial institution licence from the FMA?

All entities that are required to obtain a financial institution licence by the FMA under the CoFI Act are also separately prudentially licensed and regulated by the Reserve Bank. 

New Zealand’s financial markets are regulated under a “twin peaks” model. This means that two regulators – the FMA and the Reserve Bank – both have shared responsibility for regulating financial institutions. However, each of these entities are tasked with separate functions. The FMA’s remit is primarily conduct regulation, while the Reserve Bank’s remit is prudential regulation. 

This means that, from 31 March 2025, banks, insurers and non-bank deposit takers providing services to consumers in New Zealand, are required to be licensed by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and to hold a financial institution licence issued by the FMA.

Can an authorised body be added to a financial institution licence?

Yes, an application for a financial institution licence can include authorised bodies. An authorised body is a related body corporate named on a licence that can provide the licensed service without needing its own licence. Both the licensee and any authorised bodies must (collectively) meet the eligibility criteria set out in section 400(1) of the FMC Act. For more information refer to the financial institutions licensing guide. 


Does a financial institution licence expire?

A financial institution licence will have no expiry date unless the FMA specifies one, or you give notice to cancel your licence, or the FMA withdraws it.

What can we expect when we submit a financial institution licence application?

After receiving your application, we will send an email notification acknowledging receipt. Then, as we assess your application, we may contact you to clarify your application or to request further information.  

After processing your application, we will email you to confirm whether your licence has been approved or declined, or if it requires specific conditions.  

If your licence is approved, we will update the Financial Service Provider Register to show that you hold a financial institution licence. 

Why are conditions imposed on our licence?

Conditions are necessary to ensure licence holders continue to meet licensing requirements, and to help us effectively monitor the licensed population. 

How did the FMA develop the standard conditions which will be imposed on or licence?

In 2022, we consulted publicly on our proposal to impose six standard conditions on financial institution licences. We received written submissions from a range of stakeholders and, after carefully considering the submissions, decided to impose six standard conditions on each financial institution licence issued. For more information, see our response to the feedback we received and the Regulatory Impact Statement, which assesses the impacts of the standard conditions.