Steps to apply for your Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licence
Step 1
Decide how you wish to operate
There are three classes of Financial Advice Provider licence.
You should apply (and be assessed) for the class of Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licence that best suits your particular circumstances and the nature of the service your FAP and any authorised bodies intend to provide.
- Class 1 licence application process is purpose-built for sole advisers
- Class 2 licences are intended for businesses that engage more than one adviser
- Class 3 licences are most suited to large organisations that engage nominated representatives.
If you are unsure, our Explore your options tool is designed to help you define a structure that works for you. OR view our how to operate pages.
Download the fact sheet on the three licence classes
Step 2
Review the licensing guide
Review the licensing guides and documents below as they contain all the information you need to know so you can complete and submit your application. View the Introductory guide to FAP licensing requirements PDF
Step 3
Read the standard conditions
In your application, you'll need to demonstrate how you can meet the minimum standards and conditions for your licence.
Download the standard condition for FAP licences PDF
Step 4
Read the Code of Conduct
Anyone providing advice to retail clients is subject to a new Code of Professional Conduct for financial advice services. This outlines the standards of conduct, client care, competence, knowledge, and skill you need to meet when providing financial advice in New Zealand.
View the Code of Professional Conduct for financial advice services
Set up a ReaMe® account
You will need a RealMe® account to apply for a licence with the FMA.
Apply for a RealMe® account
Step 6
Register on the FSPR
Before applying for a licence with the FMA, all financial advice providers must be registered for the “Financial advice provider – licensee – full licence” service on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR).
The FSPR is a public register which is maintained by the Companies Office. Any authorised bodies under your licence, or financial advisers you engage, must also be registered on the FSPR.
Fees are payable for some transactions on the FSPR, including when you register, and when you complete your annual confirmations.
Visit the FSPR website for more information about how to register, maintain or update your registration.
Step 7
Start your draft application and seek further help if you need it
We won’t see any of your answers until you press SUBMIT. Complete as much as you can, then save a draft and come back and finish the job when you’re ready.
Log in to the application portal
Your success is important to us. Please get in touch if you have questions on the licensing process. Contact the FMA or talk to your professional advisers about what might be helpful for you.
Step 8
Press submit!
Congratulations on finishing your application. We’ll be in touch soon to advise the outcome.