30 August 2023

Consultation: Proposed guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes

Final date for submission CLOSED
Consultation paper Proposed guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes 
Submission form  Submission form - Proposed guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes  
Resulting documents

Guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes

Submissions report: Guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes

Email for submission [email protected]- please use the title of the consultation paper in the subject line  

October 2024 

We have now published the guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes. See above for links to the final guidance and the submissions report, which includes the feedback we received. We would like to thank all submitters for their comments, which provided helpful observations and insights. 

August 2023

We are consulting on proposed guidance on winding-up requirements for registered schemes.  

A registered scheme entering a voluntary wind-up process or whose wind-up has been ordered by the Court must follow the requirements in sections 212 and 213 of the FMC Act. We have observed varying approaches to compliance with these sections of the Act. The guidance would share our interpretation and clear expectations for compliance, to help facilitate more consistent market practice.