15 May 2017

Consultation paper: Class designation of shares to managed investment products in an MIS

First published 10 December 2015


Final date for submissions



Consultation paper

Consultation paper: Class designation of shares to managed investment products in an MIS

Submission form Feedback form
E-mail for submission consultation@fma.govt.nz (please use the title of the consultation paper for the subject line)
Resulting documents

Information sheet: Designation of certain shares in investment companies as managed investment products

Regulatory Impact Statement:Designation of shares in investment companies

Financial Markets Conduct (Shares in Investment Companies) Designation Notice 2017

This consultation paper considers when shares in investment companies may be designated as managed investment products (MIPs). Being MIPs subject these investment companies to the licensing, disclosure and governance requirements of managed investment schemes.

Submissions closed on Friday 19 February 2016.  All comments should be submitted to consultation@fma.govt.nz with the subject line: ‘Proposed variations to standard conditions of market services licences: [Your entity name]’.  



13 June 2016

Later this month, we will carry out a targeted consultation; class designation of shares that are in substance managed investment products. This follows on from our earlier consultation on the same topic. If you would like to be included in this consultation, please contact us.