Page last updated: 31 January 2023

AML/CFT Reporting Entities

This list below contains all businesses or individuals who are currently FMA reporting entities. It does not mean we have approved or licensed them, or certified their AML/CFT compliance. The list is not exhaustive or conclusive and is subject to change.

The information in this list is drawn from the Financial Service Providers Register and those that have come to the attention of the FMA by other means (such as providing us with annual AML/CFT reports). Visit to see additional information including the reporting entities business address and list of services. Entities shown on this list must be compliant with the Act.

  1. Businesses that appear on this list have been identified as reporting entities, supervised by the FMA under section 5 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009. Others are captured by Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing (definitions) Regulations 2011.
  2. The reporting entities supervised by the FMA are set out in section 130 of the AML/CFT Act. They include Derivative issuers, Client money or property service providers, Equity crowdfunding platforms, certain Financial Advice Providers, Managed investment scheme managers, Peer-to-peer lending providers, Discretionary investment management services, Licensed supervisors and Issuers of securities. 
  3. The list represents our current assessment and will be subject to changes made from time to time.
  4. This list is not complete, exhaustive nor conclusive. Businesses that do not appear on this list but do meet the definition of reporting entity will be subject to the obligations created by the AML/CFT Act. If you own, or know of a business that falls within the definition of reporting entity under the AML/CFT Act, and is one of the types of businesses described above, that is not on the list please contact the FMA by emailing details to [email protected]
  5. If your business is on this list and you do not agree it falls within the definition of reporting entity under the AML/CFT Act please contact us by emailing details to [email protected]
  6. Banks, life insurers and non-bank deposit takers are supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and can access information at Casinos, money service businesses (including currency exchange and money remittance/transfer), payroll remittance, lending and other services (including non-bank non-deposit-taking lenders, debt collection and factoring), financial leasing, cash transporters, safe deposit/cash storage, issuing and managing means of payment (including non-bank credit card providers), lawyers, conveyancers, accountants, real estate agents, high-value dealers and any other reporting entities not supervised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand or the FMA are supervised by the Department of Internal Affairs and can access information at
  7. This list is not an official or statutory register of reporting entities. It is for information only.
  8. The listing of a business does not imply that the FMA has approved of the activities of the business and does not certify compliance of the business with applicable legislation.

This list does not constitute the FSPR under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 No 97 (as at 01 April 2011), Public Act

Search Results

Found 1427 results. Displaying page 10 of 96

Name of notice FSPR
Ruth Catherine GRANT FSP105947
Ruben Pohane Topine Te Mamaku ANDERSON FSP1006092
Royce Tone PRITCHARD FSP1006606
Rony Lachica DAPITAN FSP538706
Roisin GRAVESTON FSP1006707
Rohan Hendrik KOREMAN-SMIT FSP737891
Richard ORNOWSKI FSP27902
Rhonda MILLS FSP498087
Reuben Craig GWYN FSP572367