Who we are
The Financial Markets Authority – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko (FMA) regulates New Zealand’s financial markets. We were established in 2011 as an Independent Crown Entity.
Our statutory duty is to promote and facilitate the development of fair, efficient, and transparent financial markets; and to promote the confident and informed participation of businesses, investors, and consumers in the financial markets.
What we do
- We license a range of firms and professionals to provide certain financial products and services.
- We supervise the industry to ensure they comply with the law and prioritise fair outcomes for consumers and markets in their conduct.
- We Investigate and enforce activities or conduct that could harm the operation of our financial markets.
- We issue policy and guidelines to assist firms and professionals understand our expectations and comply with the law.
- We provide Information and resources to consumers so that they may make better investment and financial decisions.
- We scan the environment to identify the most significant risks to and opportunities for promoting our priorities and delivering our functions.
In delivering our functions we work and engage closely with industry, consumers, the Government and other agencies.
The legislation underpinning our work includes:
- Financial Markets Authority Act 2011
- Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013
- Financial Markets Supervisors Act 2011
- KiwiSaver Act 2006 (Part 4 and Schedule 1)
- Auditor Regulation Act 2011
- Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 Financial Market Infrastructures Act 2021
- Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009
- Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Act 2022