Page last updated: 03 September 2024

Official Information Act (OIA) requests

Your request should be as clear and specific as you can possibly make it. Before making a request to us, please check the OIA publication schedule first as the information you are looking for could already be publicly available.

You can contact us in the ways noted below to request information:

Email: [email protected]
Post: Financial Markets Authority, PO Box 106 672, Auckland 1143, New Zealand
Telephone: 0800 434 566.

When you make your request please include the following details:

  • your name
  • your postal address or preferred email address
  • specific details of the information you want.

If you make a request by phone, we will confirm acknowledgement in writing or if we need to clarify anything, we may ask you to send your request in writing.

Your request will be acknowledged as soon as possible. We will respond to your request within 20 working days from the date we received it. The OIA allows for extensions in certain circumstances. If we require an extension we will contact you to let you know.

Note: Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen’s Birthday, Waitangi Day, Labour Day, and any day from 25 December to 15 January inclusive are not working days for the purposes of the Official Information Act, so will not be included within the 20 working day timeframe.  

We may invoice you for the costs of responding to your information request. Charges are for staff time and resources if your request requires considerable labour and materials or requires significant collation and research. These charges are set by the Government and are applied in line with the Ombudsman's charging guide.

We may decide to withhold the information for specific reasons. If this occurs, we will explain the reasons why. For more on why information can be withheld see sections 6, 9 and 18 of the OIA.

Reasons we are sometimes unable to disclose information include our obligations to protect personal privacy under the Privacy Act 2020, and our duty under the Financial Markets Authority Act 2011 (FMA Act) to maintain confidentiality about information supplied or disclosed to, or obtained by, us under the FMA Act and financial markets legislation.

The OIA schedule below summaries how we have responded to the requests we have recieved and whether we have disclosed information.

If you are unhappy with our response, you can make a complaint and have the decision reviewed by the Ombudsman.

More information

The Ombudsman provides a useful guide with tips about how to make an OIA request. It also includes information on the Official Information Act, and what agencies must do when they respond to a request.

We may decide to publish some or all of the information that we disclose in response to an OIA request. You can view the information we've published on the OIA publication schedule below.

The types of information request we would publish are those from news media organisations, businesses (where the requested information benefits other businesses) or individuals and from parliamentary parties.

Exceptions to publication

We won’t publish:

  • any person’s personal information, including the requester’s
  • confidential information
  • information regarding the commercial, financial or professional affairs of entities
  • information requests that are not in the public interest
  • information we have decided to withhold on OIA grounds.

We reserve the right to decide which responses we will publish and why.

We may redact information or provide a summary or excerpt where appropriate.

Each quarter we publish our OIA statistics in the table below, setting out the number of requests we receive and our decision in relation to requests.

OIA statistics
Period Number of requests received Percentage responded within
statutory timeframes

1 January 2024 – 30 June 2024 

32 100% Released in full: 15
Released in part: 13
Withheld: 3
Declined: 1
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 0

1 October 2023 – 31 December 2023 

22 100% Released in full: 14
Released in part: 6
Withheld: 2
Declined: 0
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 0

1 July 2023 - 30 September 2023

13 100% Released in full: 2
Released in part: 10
Withheld: 1
Declined: 0
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 0




Released in full: 21
Released in part: 19
Withheld: 6
Declined: 5
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 0




Released in full: 16
Released in part: 9
Withheld: 4
Declined: 7
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 0




Released in full: 10
Released in part: 14
Withheld: 7
Declined: 8
Transferred (full): 1
Transferred in part: 1




Released in full: 9
Released in part: 5
Withheld: 4
Declined: 3
Transferred (full): 0
Transferred in part: 1

2018/2019 38 100% Released in full: 25
Released in part: 7
Withheld: 2
Declined: 1
Transferred (full): 2
2017/2018 28 100% Released in full: 8
Released in part: 6
Withheld: 10
Refused: 4
Transferred in part: 1                        
2016/2017 32 96%  Released in full: 12
Released in part: 6
Withheld: 10
Refused: 14
Transferred: 0                    

OIA publication schedule

The information published on the OIA publication schedule was released in response to a specific request and was the information held by the FMA at the time of response.

OIA publication schedule 
No. Summary of request Response Date of response Information
86 FMA spending on branding and logo's since 2017 Released 16/02/2024 FMA branding spend
85 FMA’s verification of identity’s in relation to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing Terrorism Act 2009 Released 20/02/2024 AML processes for identity verification
84 FMA data on offences and prosecutions Partial Release 19/06/2024 FMA offences and prosecutions
83 FMA spending on contractors and consultants Released 23/05/2024 FMA Consultants and contractors spend
82 Data on the NZ Investment market, Financial Advisers and DIMS licences Released 23/04/2024 Data relating to NZ Investment Market
81 FMA spending on PR and communications Released 16/4/2024 FMA spend on PR and comms
80 FMA monitoring of non-GAAP financial information Partial Release 15/04/2024 Monitoring of non-GAAP
79 FMA Organizational chart Released 7/03/2024 FMA Org chart
78 Any secondary briefing provided by our minister since 27 November 2023 to the FMA Released 4/03/2024 Ministers secondary briefing
77 Statistics on Investigations, Insider Trading and Market Manipulation Partial Release 10/05/2024 Investigations and Insider Trading data
76 FMA's enforcement for AML, specifically the stockbroking sector Partial Release 06/03/2024 AML Enforcement (Copies of the presentation slides are available on request)
75 AML/CFT information relating to FMA's action as a supervisor under the Act Released 28/02/2024 FMA as supervisor of AML
74 Data relating to the FMA's AML enforcement approach Released 26/01/2024 AML enforcement
73 Request relating to AML Reporting entities and their obligations  Released 13/11/2023 AML Reporting entities
72 Request for the FMA’s Complaints Policy Released 31/10/2023 FMA Complaints Policy
71 Request relating Climate Action in the Financial Markets  Released 10/10/2023 FMA’s Climate Response
70 Request relating to FMA involvement in World Economic Forum Released 16/08/2023 World Economic Forum
69 Request for FMA Integrated Financial Products presentation Released 2/05/2023 Integrated Financial Products presentation
68 Request relating to regulation of blockchain technologies Released 4/05/2023 Blockchain technologies

Query whether a product is a regulated financial product under FMA remit



Unregulated financial product

Request regarding supply of audit staff in NZ

Partial release


Audit staff

Request regarding FMA’s Value for Money guidance

Partial Release


Value for Money guidance
64 FMA’s use of Section 25 and 44, FMA Act Released 30/6/2023 Use of FMA Act notices
63 Request for FMA modelling on GST on certain KiwiSaver fees Refused: information does not exist 4/10/2022 FMA modelling on GST on certain KiwiSaver fees
62 Request relating to internal communications about media enquiries Refused: information does not exist 9/11/2022 Media enquiries
61 Request for Statistics on Staff salaries, turnover and diversity Released 28/11/2022 FMA Staff Statistics
60 Request for modelling information on GST changes Released 22/09/2022 GST modelling on GST changes

Request for information on policy on trading financial derivatives



Trading financial derivates policy

Request for information on FMA cases prosecuted


Partial Release



FMA cases prosecuted
57 Request for Information on FMA UK recruitment trip Partial release 3/08/2022 OIAP FMA UK recruitment trip
56 Request for Value for Money discussion document Released 12/07/2022 OIAP Value for Money discussion document
55 Request relating to large funds moving the market Released 6/07/2022 Kiwisaver funds that move the market
54 Request for FMA statistics on bullying and harassment Released 21/04/2022 OIAP Bullying and harassment statistics
53 Request for information about handover briefings to the new FMA CE Partial release 15/06/2022 OIA regarding handover briefings to the new FMA CE
52 Request regarding analysis of KiwiSaver funds Released 1/06/2022 OIA regarding analysis of KiwiSaver funds
51 Request regarding conflicts of interest Partial Release 23/03/2022 OIA request regarding conflict of interest
50 Request regarding review of credit card repayment insurance products Withheld 22/03/2022 OIA request regarding Review of credit card repayment insurance products
49 Request regarding whistleblowing information Released 17/03/2022 OIA request regarding whistleblowing information
48 Request regarding review of credit card repayment insurance products (CCRI) Withheld 2/03/2022 OIA request regarding CCRI Report
47 Request to CoFR agencies regarding CCCFA  Partial Release 25/02/2022  OIA request regarding CCCFA
46 Request asking if the FMA investigated short selling of industry shares impacted by Covid Released 23/09/2021 OIAP Short selling of shares
45 Request regarding a submission to Law Commission review into class actions and litigation funding Released 13/09/2021 OIAP Law Commission submission
44 Request for statistics relating to referrals to the FMA under the FSP Act  Released 16/08/2021 OIAP Referrals to FMA under FSP Act
43 Requesting information of the sum of AML/CFT enforcement action taken by the FMA Released 27/07/2021 OIAP AML/CFT enforcement acton
42 Request for the FMA’s current organisation chart Released 20/08/2021 OIAP FMA’s organisation charts
41 A request for statistics relating to insider trading misconduct Released 15/10/2021 OIAP Insider trading misconduct statistics
40 Request to assist in market research on the number of people in NZ working in the Financial Market of any description Released 26/5/2021 OIAP Market research
39 Request from journalist in relation to costs incurred in an FMA/FADC case Released 24/5/2021 OIAP Costs of FADC case
38 Request for recent KiwiSaver FUM (Funds under Management)  forecast/projects Declined 30/4/2021 OIAP KiwiSaver FUM Funds
37 Request from journalist for number of FMA cases, investigations and court cases, and reasons for decision whether or not to take cases further ie prosecute. Partial: withheld some to protect maintenance of the law, legal privilege and free and frank opinions. 12/11/2020 OIAP Cases, investigations and court cases
36 Request for the total number of private AML/CFT warnings the FMA has issued Released in full 15/10/2020 OIAP AML/CFT Private Warnings
35 Request from journalist in relation time spent on CBL Limited proceedings. Released 20/07/2020 OIAP CBL Limited proceedings
34 Stats on Reporting Entities: # of requests by the FMA for Res to undergo an AML/CFT audit. The documents which identify the general business nature of those REs, deadline for response, and documents that contain FMA's policies, principles, rules and guidelines to determine the deadlines for response. Released 05/02/2020 OIAP Reporting Entities
33 Following the release of the FMA Bank Culture and Conduct Report, a union asked for information about the implementation plans of the 11 banks, evidence the plans were implemented, and actions FMA would take if the plans were not adhered to. Withheld 18/12/2019 OIAP First Union
32 Request from an individual for information on FMA’s participation in the October 2019 ACAMS conference. Released 22/10/2019 OIAP ACAMS

Request from an individual for conduct and culture reviews.

Released: link to FMA website 27/09/2019 OIAP Conduct and Culture Review
30 Request for information about the FMA's use of psychometric testing between 1 July 2017 and 31 June 2019 and if used, the types of occasions used for and the associated costs Released 04/10/2019 OIAP FMA's psychometric testing
29 Request for documents supporting the update to the 2013 Identity Verification Code of Practice Refused: information does not exist 01/08/2019 OIAP Identity verification code of practice
28 Media request for details of the FMA’s investigation into interest rate swaps to rural customers between 2005 and 2009 Part released: some information withheld due to privacy, confidentiality, commercial sensitivity, and free and frank exchange of opinions 01/08/2019  
27 Media request for the details of any payments made to social media influencers Released: some information withheld to protect the privacy of individuals 30/07/2019 OIAP payments to social media influencers
26 Media request for the FMA's five most expensive trials Released  23/07/2019 OIAP FMA's five most expensive trials (July 2019)
25 Request for investigations/inquiries into the ANZ rural growth fund in 2012 Released  15/07/2019 OIAP investigation into the ANZ rural growth fund
24 Media request for instances where FMA staff have been given gifts by ANZ or its former chief executive David Hisco since 2010 Released  28/06/2019 OIAP gifts from David Hisco
23 Media request on the FMA’s five most expensive trials Released; note internal employee costs are represented by employee hours 14/05/2019 OIAP FMA's five most expensive trials (May 2019)
22 Media request for the FMA’s parental leave policies, procedure and arrangements Released  24/04/2019 OIAP FMA's parental leave policies
21 Request for data on complaints made to the FMA against financial advisers and financial product providers Released  22/03/2019 OIAP complaints against financial advisers
20 Media request for the amount spent on advertising, public awareness campaigns, and recruitment in the last 5 years Released  22/03/2019 OIAP costs of public awareness campaigns
19 Media request for the costs of the Bublitz first trial Released  14/03/2019 OIAP costs for Bublitz 1st trial
18 Media request for the costs of the Bublitz second trial Released  18/02/2019 OIAP costs for Bublitz 2nd trial
17 Request for example cases where a financial adviser invested client funds poorly and without sufficiently explaining the process to the client and according to the advisers own bias Released  15/02/2019 OIAP Financial Advisers Disciplinary Committee (FADC) decisions
16 Media request for information on gifts and hospitality received by FMA staff Part released: some information refused as information not held 15/02/2019 OIAP Gifts and Hospitality Policy and statistics
15 Summary of remediation provided by banks under conduct and culture review Released 05/12/2018 OIAP remediations CC review
14 Functions of the FMA and the FMA’s responsible Minister Released 21/11/2018

OIAP FMA functions and Minister

13 FMA costs on social media Released 18/10/2018

OIAP re social media costs

12 Litigation costs of E-road trial No 2 Released 08/10/2018 OIAP re ERoad costs 2nd trial
11 The FMA’s response to the State Services Commission inquiry into state sector use of external security consultants Proactive disclosure; not an OIA 20/08/2018

Letter to agencies re inquiry

FMA response to SSC inquiry
10 Request for information about staff working on AMLCFT matters at the FMA Released 28/09/2018 OIAP OIA re AMLCFT staff and restructuring
9 Reporting entity correspondence re AMLCFT Identity Verification Code of practice Released 23/08/2018 OIAP OIA re AMLCFT opt out follow up
8 Media request about change management/reorganisation at FMA Part released: some information withheld due to privacy 14/08/2018 OIAP OIA response on FMA change management
7 Media survey about sexual harassment at the agencies Released 09/07/2018 OIAP OIA survey response re workplace sexual harassment
6 Request about gifts and hospitality (staff/members) Released 11/07/2018 OIAP OIA re gifts policy
5 Media request about OIA requests that the FMA receives Released 19/07/2018 OIAP OIA response on FMA OIA stats
4 All records of communications with AML/CFT entities about opting out of the Identity Verification Code of Practice Part released: some information withheld due to privacy, confidentiality, commercial sensitivity, free and frank exchange of opinions 26/07/2018


3 Copy of the FMA Board Conflicts Policy Released 21/05/2018

OIAP Board Conflicts Policy

2 Litigation costs for an e-road trial  Released 20/04/2018 OIAP response eroad trial costs
1 Businesses who were warned by FMA under AML/CFT legislation Part released: some information withheld for maintenance of the law 05/04/2018

OIAP response AML CFT warnings tracked