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  1. 29 September 2017

    FMA Annual Report 2017 including financials

    Our annual reports detail the results we have achieved against our stated intentions. These results then feedback into our next cycle of direction-setting, planning, implementation and review. Our annual reports are a great way to review our operational highlights for each financial year.This is the 2017 report with financials.
  2. 30 June 2015

    User Guide: Annual AML/CFT Report

    The annual report is required by section 60 of New Zealand’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (‘the Act’). The annual report applies to activities that are covered by the Act.
  3. 10 July 2023

    Consultation paper Climate related disclosures timing mismatch

    The FMA is consulting on a proposed exemption to exempt certain climate reporting entities from the requirement to include a link to their climate statements in their annual report for a 2-year period. Submissions close 7 August 2023.
  4. 4 April 2024

    Financial Markets Conduct Clearwater Golf Club Limited Exemption Notice 2024

    Clearwater Golf Club Limited (Clearwater) is exempted from Part 7 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (the FMC Act). The Exemption Notice is subject to conditions which together replicate the financial reporting, auditing and annual reporting requirements under the Companies Act 1991.
  5. 18 November 2019

    Audit investor guide 2019

    Companies listed on the share market must have their financial statements independently audited, and present a report from the auditor to investors in their annual report. This guide informs investors of the obligations imposed by the FMA on auditing of their financials.
  6. 6 July 2021

    Investor Confidence Report 2021

    This annual report is intended to measure the level of confidence the New Zealand public have in the New Zealand financial markets along with perceptions and awareness of the FMA. The research is conducted by an exernal provider. This is the Investor confidence survey results published in 2021.
  7. 24 June 2020

    Investor Confidence Report 2020

    This annual report is intended to measure the level of confidence the New Zealand public have in the New Zealand financial markets along with perceptions and awareness of the FMA. The research is conducted by an exernal provider. This is the Investor confidence survey results published in 2020.
  8. 1 July 2016

    AML CFT How to complete your annual CFT user guide 1

    This user guide is designed to help financial advisers to complete their annual AML/CFT report (annual report) quickly and easily. It clarifies the questions in the report template that may be open to interpretation and identifies questions that are unlikely to be relevant to small financial adviser businesses. It does not include the questions that don’t need explanation. This guide is current for 2016.